
Christadelphian Aged Care resident

Chance find leads to epic trip

When Ted chanced upon an ad for international pen friends he didn’t realise it would lead to a five-year round the world trip – and a wife. Edwin (Ted) Plummer, now a resident at Courtlands Aged Care in North Parramatta, was…

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Brian is a volunteer at Chamberlain Gardens in Wyoming.

A day in the life of a volunteer

Hi, I’m Brian and I have worked most of my life in admin and accounting roles in big companies in Sydney. I am a carer for my mother and I volunteer at Chamberlain Gardens in Wyoming three morning a week. I’ll try…

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Christadelphian Aged Care Homes

Retirement only the beginning

When Betty retired 26 years ago she began some of the busiest years of her life, and was eventually appointed an Officer of the Order of Australia. Betty Dorothy Johnson, now a resident of Ashburn House in Gladesville, was born in…

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Christadelphian Aged Care Homes

Sharing the creations

When Laura began accompanying herself on the guitar at 14 she soon searched for a place to practice her talent and share her music. Laura, began singing at the age of 10, when her teacher brought in a guitar into class…

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Knitters share their creations

The Ridgeview Knit n Natter group in Albion Park have been knitting toys to go inside shoeboxes that are sent to disadvantaged children around the world. Ridgeview Choir Volunteer, Lyn Brown is the Illawarra Regional Coordinator for Samaritan’s Purse (Operation Christmas Child)…

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